Chiropractic care provides life for your spine and body as a whole, helping you to realize your true health potential. Your spine and the nervous system it protects are one of the most important organ systems of your body. This is because your spine and nervous system are responsible for regulating all movement, healing, sensation and bodily functions.
Through Chiropractic care, you will gain the same health benefits that are obtained from preventive dentistry, proper eye care, nutritious diet and regular exercise. Our goal is to add more life to your living. Without spinal health, we all grow old before our time.
Our mission is to give everyone the opportunity to have their spines checked and cared for while also receiving preventative spinal care so they may live the longest, healthiest and most active lifestyles as possible. Everyone deserves Chiropractic care!
Our family-oriented practice offers a large variety of techniques and services to best serve our community. We are committed to providing individualized care to each patient.
It's easier to stay well than to get well.
Welcome to Annapolis Chiropractic...
107 Ridgley Avenue, Ste. 11
Annapolis, MD 21401
Call us: 410-267-6701
Fax us: 410-267-0667
​Email us: info@annapolischiro.com
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